Frontend services

Picture showing user flow planning methodsPhoto by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Lightning fast User Interface

to help your client feel the flow.

A good application is one that helps the user. Properly written, optimized source code allows today's modern browser technologies to spread their wings.

We don't force the user to wait senselessly where it is not necessary. Sometimes, however, waiting is unavoidable – for example: for database reads/writes, to perform operations on the backend, or when a network traffic is heavy loaded – then the frontend takes responsibility for the whole user experience. Proper manipulation of loaders, transitions, or micro–animations makes the application seem to have a flow and anyway – it feels to runs smoothly.

Comfort in any situation

because real life is not perfect.

Sometimes there are situations in which the Internet temporarily goes down.
There are many clever ways to get out of this situation with class and show professionalism to the customer. A user filled out a form and can't send it? Let's cache it in case he wants to refresh the page. User moves and uses unstable mobile internet? Let's detect it and inform him or her about it. In addition, let's queue the events he performed – to be executed when the connection returns to normal. We can easy do that, having proper frontend architecture.
We are aware of these and many other solutions to simply help the person who wants to use your services.

Good communication is key

to get full speed.

To achieve optimal speed in the performance of your app – a good frontend alone is not enough. Planned concepts must be followed at the level of both server architecture and database models. This is not possible when different teams deal with different layers of the application. Moreover – when they do not consistently set requirements. Also, it is very important to set minimalist portions of data so as not to overload network traffic and waste transfer. To address this – at Atomic Concept we model applications using Domain Driven Design and Behavior Driver Design – business flow over technology.

Technology is a tool, not a toy.

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